Services: Plantar Warts
Plantar Warts other wise known as “Verrucas”, are a relatively common condition usually caused by Human Papilloma Viruses (HPVs).Plantar warts can regress (heal) spontaneously without treatment, however they can remain unresolved for up to several years and often treatment is required. Plantar warts may be single, multiple or mosaic and can present as painless or painful. Correct diagnosis is vital and Matthew can advise you on the best way to treat them in order to get the best outcome. Do not self treat until you have the correct diagnosis!! Book an appointment today.Podiatrists love your feet, warts and all!!
Other general treatments can be provided for conditions such as:
- Smelly Feet (Bromidrosis)
- Tinea Pedis
- Cracked and painful heels
And many other problems. If in doubt book an appointment, in the unlikely event that Matthew can not help he will refer you on to someone that can!
Burleigh Osteopathic Clinic:
07 5568 7010
3/31 Connor Street,
Burleigh Heads, Qld 4220